>My friend James Rexroad shot this of me a few weeks ago...on film, with his Mamiya 6. He was kind enough of to scan it in for me. Okay, he's not that famous, but he's shot portraits of famous people like Al Gore, Ben Harper, Jennifer Connelly, Peter Gabriel, Robert Plant, Al Sharpton, Moby, and now....THOMAS BOYD of Eugene, Ore.
>St. Louis
>Blog Post About A Photo I Took
>I get Google updates every week when my name appears on the internet. It's mostly photos that run in other publications when I submit to AP. Today, I found that someone actually made a blog post about a photo I have hanging in the Eugene Airport. Click on the link above to read it.
>March Madness Slideshows
>I just returned from Spokane, Wash., after shooting the first and second rounds of the NCAA Tourament. Click on the link above to see the slideshows at registerguard.com.
>The Red Door
>Beer and Cars
>Daylight Savings Time
>Tuning the Git
>Sportshooter.com February Update
>While your at it, check out my recent work gallery at thomasrboyd.net. The link is on the right.
>Quest for Immortality
We had a free day in Portland Sunday. We cleaned out our checking account to get into the Portland Art Museum's The Quest for Immortality: Treasures of Ancient Egypt features the largest selection of antiquities ever loaned by Egypt for exhibition in North America. It includes objects that have never been on public display and many that have never been seen outside of Egypt. Ancient Egyptian beliefs and practices based on the afterlife journey of pharaohs will be dramatically illustrated through approximately 115 magnificent objects from Egypt and a life-sized reconstruction of the burial chamber of the New Kingdom pharaoh Thutmose III (1479-1425 BC).
It was very impressive indeed. There was a little too much to hold the kid's interest, but they were good sports. Of course we asked them what liked best about the trip to Portland and they both said it was the trip to the Nike Outlet Store to buy shoes.
In any event, I took a few snaps, thinking it would be okay since I wasn't using a flash. The dude on the right is heading in my direction to nuke my Egyptian photo safari. I took some photos anyway and the sky didn't fall. No one was injured and the mummies didn't rise.
>Lunch at the Portside
>New Family Snaps
>Loggers Come to Town
>Skate World
Skate World doesn't look, or smell, any different than when I went there in middle school in the early 80's. It's a classic!
Caption: Just because Josh Quint, 14, right, broke his arm skating, doesn't mean he didn't take advantage of the busiest day of year during President's Day All Day Skate at Skate World in Springfield, Monday, Feb. 19, 2007, with his friends Nikole Wright, 15, and Jacque Tena, 17, left. Quint goes skating up to three times a week and was waiting for a possible "speed skate," which he heard probably wasn't going to happen because of the smaller children in attendance.
>Cole as Lebron
>Updated Portfolio
>I just added a "Recent Work" gallery to my website. Some of it will be duplicated on this blog, but I'll try update it regularly. It covers work from Jan.1 until Feb. 13.
>Behind the Curtain
>Black Crater
> Last summer I covered the Black Crater forest fire. I was sending from the Sisters Middle School and for some reason didn't save my take on my laptop after putting it in the system. I just recently dug up the original files for contest purposes. On deadline I sent a vertical version of this image but aesthetically I like this horizontal version better. I shot it from a nearby dormant volcano with a 300/2.8 after the sun went down. As I recall it was a 30 second exposure. It illustrates how difficult it was for firefighters to deal with this type of fire. It burned all summer.