Portland, Oregon-based photographer - 503.421.5700


Added on by Thomas Boyd.

>INFORMATION UPDATE: My mother gave me this ferrotype (tintype) photo. It's about the size of a business card. It shows two men in their mid to late thirties and they are twins. They are Henry, left, and Chris Schwenn. Henry is my great-great grandfather. Which, makes them my grandmother's grandfather to be more clear. I guess Henry was a drinker and sent his daughter (my great-grandmother), Frida, on errands to bring back a bucket of beer for him. He shipped her off to live with family most of the time. She didn't did learn english until she was 12-years-old. The photo was probably taken in Cincinatti. In any event, I cleaned it up a little in photoshop and posted it here for all to see. Click the above link to see a photo on this blog that shows my grandmother and her sisters as children.