Back in 1992 I worked as an assistant for photographer Steve Bloch. On occasion he would need me to model for a pre-lighting/film test. Apparently, I didn't seem to mind...he shot four rolls on a Fuji GX-680. So a few weeks ago Steve called to ask if I wanted the negs and contacts. He was cleaning out his files. So, here's my favorite shot from the take and a section of a contact sheet.
I know this kind of strange to post this, but I honestly feel really lucky to have been photographed by Steve...especially at this age. I'm now 42...and I just don't look the same. It's very interesting to me to look back on that time and reflect about where I was then...and where I am now.
Oddly, I'm in the same place under very different circumstances. At that time I was just finishing up at Portland State, working for Steve and stringing for The Oregonian. Now I'm a staffer for The Oregonian, I'm married with two kids and I have 15-years experience at two other daily papers under my belt. I must say, it's a surreal experience compare the me in the photos above and the me in the photo in the upper left corner.