Portland, Oregon-based photographer - 503.421.5700

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>Little League Sheldon Style

Added on by Thomas Boyd.


I shot the overall Saturday during the opening ceremonies. The other two were at practice tonight. So far, Cole has been playing shortstop and left field. He's less experienced than some of the other boys, but he's doing really well hitting and fielding. His arm could use a little work, but that will come.

>The Wonder of ICBM's

Added on by Thomas Boyd.

That's Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles in case you were wondering. Now, McMinnville, Oregon is one of only a few locations in the world that has one on display. The locals are pretty excited about the prospect of luring tourists to view the massive rocket at the Evergreen Air and Space Museum.

>Me at Age 26 in 1992

Added on by Thomas Boyd.


Back in 1992 I worked as an assistant for photographer Steve Bloch. On occasion he would need me to model for a pre-lighting/film test. Apparently, I didn't seem to mind...he shot four rolls on a Fuji GX-680. So a few weeks ago Steve called to ask if I wanted the negs and contacts. He was cleaning out his files. So, here's my favorite shot from the take and a section of a contact sheet.

I know this kind of strange to post this, but I honestly feel really lucky to have been photographed by Steve...especially at this age. I'm now 42...and I just don't look the same. It's very interesting to me to look back on that time and reflect about where I was then...and where I am now.

Oddly, I'm in the same place under very different circumstances. At that time I was just finishing up at Portland State, working for Steve and stringing for The Oregonian. Now I'm a staffer for The Oregonian, I'm married with two kids and I have 15-years experience at two other daily papers under my belt. I must say, it's a surreal experience compare the me in the photos above and the me in the photo in the upper left corner.

>Website Update: Click Here

Added on by Thomas Boyd.

>I've added some functionality to my portfoio website at http://thomasboyd.net/ The thumbnails and photos are larger and now there are links to flash galleries. Click on the link above to see my latest work from The Oregonian.

Willamette Valley Rainbow

Added on by Thomas Boyd.

I was driving on I-5 North from Eugene on Saturday. I experienced all forms weather ranging from hard rain, thunder, hail, and sunshine. As I came up over a rise there was a payoff. A juicy rainbow.

I safely pulled over, popped the trunk and whipped out my Canon 5D with a 70-200/2.8 lens. I cracked off about seven frames and poof...it was gone. My GPS told me I was stopped for a total of 1 minute and 27 seconds.

This Is Me Working

Added on by Thomas Boyd.

>I'm in a super-cool waffle house in Portland called Jacé Gacé (pronounced Jaw-see Gaw-see) trying to get a little work done between assignments.

These Are For You, Mom

Added on by Thomas Boyd.


Here's some new snaps of the kids I shot at the beach in Florence today after Carrie's uncle John's funeral.
Geek Info: Shot on a Canon 5D, a 50/1.4, and processed with Aperture 2.0 using the Monochrome Mixer and Vignette Tool.

Ethics Cheat Sheet

Added on by Thomas Boyd.

>I was walking in the mall yesterday and there was a woman sitting on a bench. She was working on a laptop. Since I was bored and nosy I altered my path so I could look over her shoulder to see what she was working on. In big bold letters at the top of the page she was typing it clearly said, "Ethics Cheat Sheet."

That stuck with me for a whole day. Was it joke...or was she, in fact, composing a "Ethics Cheat Sheet" for a class full of "Ethical Cheaters"? Because, if you are using a "cheat sheet" you are "cheating" by definition and it follows that by cheating you are unethical.

So, I wondered what the first entry on the sheet would have been. Does it say, "1: Under no circumstances should you use a "cheat sheet".

I hope number two doesn't say, "Do not look over strangers shoulders at the their laptops."

That would make me both unethical and a cheater. I really wish I wouldn't have seen that. It created a unresolvable ethical dilemma.